Ülevaade kasulikest materjalidest kliimamuutuste valdkonnas
- World Bank Climate Change e-courses
- weADAPT 4.0
- Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index
- Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus
- UN Gateway on Adaption to Climate Change
- The Adaptation Exchange
- The Community builder’s approach to theory of change
- Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (TACCIMO)
- The Right Trees for Changing Climate Database
- Report: Boston Common Asset Management: “Financing Climate Change: Carbon Risk in the Banking Sector”
- Report: CDP / Acclimatise: Climate Change Resilience in Europe: A snapshot of the private sector
- Report: EASAC: “Trends in extreme weather events in Europe: implications for national and European Union adaptation strategies”
- Responding to climate change – the Insurance Industry Perspective
- Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX)
- Knowledge for Climate Research Programme
- IS-ENES climate4impact portal
- JPI Climate
- Human dynamics of climate change
- Handbook on Methods and Tools for Adaptation to Climate Change for provinces, regions and cities
- Forecasts of Climate-Associated Shifts in Tree Species (ForeCASTS)
- European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT)
- Daily Climate
- Climate-Eval
- Climate Finance and the World Bank: The Facts
- Climate Adaptation Services
- Adaptation decision making frameworks and tools: Multi-criteria decision making tools for prioritizing adaptation actions at community level
- AdaptAbility
- BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin
- Sustainability science practice and policy (SSPP)
- What We Know
- Resilience.Org
- Get Resilient
- One Earth
- Factor 4, Factor 10
- Delta Alliance
- Climate Impacts in Europe. The JRC PESETA II Project
- Baltic Sea Region information
- Baltadapt
- Climate Change Information Resources
- WBI Climate Change Practice
- WB: Climate Change
- Climate Adaptation
- Climate Change Indicators in the United States
- Guidance Note 1: Twelve reasons why climate change adaptation M&E is challenging
- Guidance Note 2: Selecting indicators for climate change adaptation programming
- Guidance Note 3: Theory of Change approach to climate change adaptation programming
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- Taani kliimamuutustega kohanemise portaal
- Norra kliimamuutustega kohanemise portaal
- Hollandi kliimamuutuste portaal
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